Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Got Worms? Treatment of Worms and Other Parasitic Infections

This session will be a quick review of common treatments for worms, Chagas disease, giardia and leishmaniasis which are all parasites more common outside of the United States. The brief discussion of the treatment of each of these infections will include medications, dosing, side effects and monitoring.

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Market Place Professional and Missions: Spread the Gospel and Get Paid to Do It!

Are you a nurse? Are you a pharmacist? A doctor? A physical therapist? A medical professional? Then you ARE a Market Place Professional! Bring your job, spread the Gospel, live in air-conditioning, and pay your own way!

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Trends in Church Planting Among Unreached People Groups

There are few things as thrilling to see as a group of local believers springing up where it didn’t exist before! In this session we will take an initial thought-provoking and inspirational look at church planting among unreached peoples around the world using current, real-life stories. We’ll also hear from everyday people who went out to minister to the healthcare needs of others, bringing with them a passion to see new communities of believers emerge and thrive among the unreached.

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Dental Health for the Least of These

Dentists have a unique opportunity to minister to the dentally needy, both domestically and internationally. These opportunities enable us to honor Christ, who has called us to care for "the least of these" (Matthew 25:40), and our compassionate treatment can also open doors to tangibly communicating the love of Christ to our patients.

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Mentoring Christ Followers in Healthcare

Despite the recognition that successful mentoring experiences are usually the result of intentional and committed relationships between mentor and mentee, there are still challenges in achieving consistent, positive outcomes for mission driven Christ followers in healthcare. Healthcare missionaries, whether domestic or foreign, face unexpected challenges, failures, and disappointments, both on and off the field of service, across a broad spectrum of life, work, and ministry. This talk will focus on the essential commitments of both mentor and mentee during the early career of cross-cultural workers who serve in diverse living and working environments.

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