Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Accomplishing Your Mission: Health and Safety Tips for Successful Trips

Preparing for yourself or others for missions includes learning how to stay safe and healthy while traveling. Experts from CDC will offer information on how to avoid diseases, including those spread by mosquitoes and unsafe food and water.

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Communicating with Muslims

If you are ministering in a Muslim community, it is imperative to understand the cultural implications of Islam. This session will address those implications from a speaker that grew up in those communities.

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The Sparrow and the Kingdom: Integrating Curative Care and Public Health in Africa

Jesus cured individuals and transformed society. As doctors on the edges of the Kingdom, we are called to care for the suffering patient as well as the crumbling community. A medical mission's approach that integrates curative and public health will be stronger than focusing on either alone; these are complementary not mutually exclusive options.

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Community Transformation Strategies: Combating Undernutriton and Promoting Child Health in South Asian Slums and Villages

Children under the age of five are at the highest risk for mortality due to malnutrition. Many times the malnutrition is because of a lack of understanding of proper nutrition and ways to wisely use limited funds. We will look at two examples of nutritional programs in South Asia.

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Miracles in India Using Henna Storytelling and Womens Health Education

Women’s health issues are rarely discussed in impoverished communities in South Asia. Health education stories change the physical health of the women in a community, but the stories of the Gospel change lives for eternity. Henna is widely used decorating hands and feet for weddings. A program of using henna to share the Gospel through visual designs in Biblical stories was developed in South Asia. We will give an example of how God used the incorporation of women’s health and henna to bring the miracle of salvation.

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