About the organization

Missions Agency / Non-Profit

Want to provide internationally while still in the US? Providers are needed for telemedicine in Honduras!

Carolina Honduras Health Foundation has been providing short-term medical missions to the Limón, Dept. of Colon, Honduras community for over 27 years. An average of 18 teams a year make the trip to this rural, poverty stricken area of Honduras. Teams consist of medical, dental, ophthalmic and pharmaceutical providers as well as non-medical team members whose duties range from assisting in the pharmacy, to helping fit reading glasses, to evangelical work.

Mission teams re housed at the clinic location in Limón. They provide services at that clinic as well as several remote locations throughout the county. Those clinic days may be spent in a local church, a school, or even outside. While we have limited the number of teams and members for this year, there are 18 teams scheduled for 2022 - and all of them will welcome your participation!

In response to the pandemic, CHHF began providing primary care to patients in Limón via telemedicine. Medical providers utilize the TytoClinic (which includes blue-tooth equipment for the best exams possible) with the assistance of an in-country nurse, interpreter and a fully stocked pharmacy. The success of this program during the times we could not be in-country has encouraged us to continue to see patients via telemed - and we can use caring providers to take shifts once or twice a month.

For more information, please contact us via email at contact@chhf.org or visit our website for short-term and telemedicine serving opportunities.

What's new with Carolina Honduras Health Foundation...



  • Charissa Kam
  • Raleigh Robinson
  • Anna Christiansen
  • Robert St Thomas
  • Christine Mitchell


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