We are a group of healthcare professionals from around the globe, caring for the health and well being of communities in Egypt.
Missions Agency / Non-Profit
The Light of the World Hospital (LWH) is the first project of the Egypt Light of the World Healthcare Association (ELoWHA), an organization chartered in Egypt but with strong international roots. It is the product of over 25 years of healthcare (HC) exchange between Egyptian professionals & organizations and international peers, GOs & NGOs, providing clinical training and education, as well as charity clinical services, to improve the status of health and HC in Egypt, at all levels (clinical services, public health and training/education).
The project is unique in many ways (please see details, below):
On purpose, 40% of the shares have not been sold yet, specifically waiting for that appreciation. We have been running a waiting list of interested buyers since the inception of the project. A serious vetting program including personal interviews (with the Board), checking references, etc. has allowed us to hand-pick 75 professionals (mostly physicians) as partners. We had to reject a few “strong” candidates who were deemed unsuitable for the project, either because they saw the hospital as a primarily business endeavor, or because of questionable (mostly minor) concerns raised by references.
10. While the sale of shares has, and will continue to bring revenue, the construction of the hospital and acquisition of equipment and furniture will significantly out-balance that income until the revenue from clinical services starts.
This is the period in which we will need approximately $2 M for construction and
$3 M for equipping (with provisions for the first 6 months of operation, especially payroll and fixed expenses).
It is during this 2.5 year period that the hospital can use financial help in the form of deferred payments, low interest loans and/or donations (monetary and in-kind.) There are many naming opportunities (available on demand.)
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1462 Anderson Ave Morgantown, WV 26505, US
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