Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Addressing child mental health needs across cultures

Data on child and adolescent mental disorders across the globe are limited, but prevalence rates vary from 8 to 24%, with treatment gaps up to 99%.

In this breakout session, we will explore cultural aspects of child mental health across the globe. How helpful are our “western” diagnoses for children and adolescents in the Global South? Does autism, trauma, depression, etc. look the same across cultures? Are our therapeutic approaches relevant and sustainable? How do we build the capacity of local providers and encourage Christians to provide care and address stigma?

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #5 at 4:00 PM EST ; speaker: Heleen Yoder

Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/addressing-child-mental-health-needs-across-cultures

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Navigate the Moral Minefield of Healthcare Missions

The experience of healthcare missionaries is very different from most other missionaries such as bible translators and church planters. Healthcare missionaries are commonly confronted with life-and-death dilemmas, overwhelming desperate need, cross-cultural conflicting values, and great suffering. Healthcare missionaries are often powerfully burdened by moral injury, which can contribute to burnout and a sense of failure. But some healthcare missionaries have learned how to thrive in the midst of this burden. We will share what we have learned about the powerful methods that have proven to be supportive of effective, healthy service and a life of spiritual growth and vitality.

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #4 at 2:30 PM EST ; speaker: Jim Ritchie

Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/navigate-the-moral-minefield-of-healthcare-missions

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Malaria Prevention and Treatment in Missionaries

Plasmodium falciparum malaria, the most severe form of this disease, usually occurs in persons traveling without prophylaxis or with inadequate prophylaxis. Most cases of malaria occur in missionaries, long-term expatriates, and immigrants who have returned to the country of their origin to visit friends and family (VFR travelers). Failure to take adequate malaria prophylaxis may occur for economic reasons or due to the mistaken belief that prolonged residence in high risk areas leads to immunity. Practical prevention strategies and the self treatment of malaria are discussed.

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #4 at 2:30 PM EST ; speaker: Gregory Juckett

Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/malaria-prevention-and-treatment-in-missionaries

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The Mess and Mystery of Missions

Cross-cultural mission work is messy. It almost never turns out as we expect. Despite this, God still chooses to use broken people that know Him, from around the globe, to communicate His message to the world. How do we deal with the mess, yet cling to the mystery-- "Christ in you, the hope of glory"? We must expect the mess, embrace it, and engage in the details. We will unpack key concepts and how they can help one thrive, not just survive, on the mission field. This session is based on the book "Kawaja Bye-Bye: The Mess & Mystery of Missions."

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #4 at 2:30 PM EST ; speaker: Jeffrey Perry; Elizabeth Perry

Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/the-mess-and-mystery-of-missions

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Women on Mission

This session focuses on women on mission and will highlight the role of women on mission, the challenges faced and some ways to overcome these challenges. Examples of women on mission in the past as well as present day experiences will be used to bring to life the opportunities and the difficulties as well as the great joys of a woman on mission.

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #4 at 2:30 PM EST ; speaker: Rebekah Naylor

Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/women-on-mission

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