Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Seeing Jesus: Expanded

In my journey, the Lord has taught me to share in Christ's sufferings and how fixing my eyes on Jesus has not only helped me serve Him differently but also how it has helped me see Him more fully and see His glory. In this session, you will be challenged to see Christ through the eyes of the writer of Hebrews. Discovering how we might remain fixed on him as we transform the way we see our calling, our ministry journeys and ultimately how we can be formed to glorify Him in all things.

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #4 at 2:30 PM EST ; speaker: Susan Post

Main Plenary Session webpage https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/seeing-jesus

Session webpage https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/seeing-jesus-expanded

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Seeing Jesus

In my journey, the Lord has taught me to share in Christ's sufferings and how fixing my eyes on Jesus has not only helped me serve Him differently but also how it has helped me see Him more fully and see His glory. In this session, you will be challenged to see Christ through the eyes of the writer of Hebrews. Discovering how we might remain fixed on him as we transform the way we see our calling, our ministry journeys and ultimately how we can be formed to glorify Him in all things.


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Bridge Building for Christ’s Kingdom

There are tens of thousands of bridges all over the world. We cross them to get over to the other side. We often take them for granted and sometimes we marvel at them. The Great Commission of our Lord Jesus to take His Gospel into all the world is meant for everyone, without exception. But most believers hardly know where to start and how to effectively communicate His Truth with the lost. We can do so by building bridges to take the seeker across the abyss and into His light. It’s a whole lot easier than we think. And there are a myriad of ways to do so. In this session, we will learn how to establish a bridge in order to help expand our Lord’s Kingdom here and on earth.


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Substance Use in the Middle East- Pilot Intervention in Opportunistic Settings in Egypt

The Substance Use Disorder (SUD) crisis in the Middle East continues to escalate beyond epidemic proportions invading all society levels. This is while access to prevention, treatment and recovery lags especially for the most vulnerable pockets of society. Social determinants including inherent culture, stigma, unaffordable cost, and limitation of trained addiction specialists and facilities limit access to treatment and recovery, especially for populations at disparities. This session will survey the epidemiology of addiction in the Middle East, focusing on Egypt. You will learn of alternative routes to address Nicotine Dependence Disorder (NDD) through an evidence-based public health intervention for blue collar workers at their workplace, involving them as partners in their treatment and healing. Will demonstrate how the love of God turns around the lives of otherwise unreached people through your God-given talents in medicine and public health. The mission field is white already to harvest, hop on!

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #4 at 2:30 PM EST ; Speaker: Maha Asham

Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2023/sessions/substance-use-in-the-middle-east-pilot-intervention-in-opportunistic-settings-in-egypt

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Intersection of Healthcare & International Trafficking in Persons in Refugee & Migrant Populations

As the number of refugees surges in the U.S. and around the globe, displaced persons and migrants are increasingly becoming victims of human trafficking. Healthcare professionals serving in either domestic, short or long-term missions can be instrumental in identifying victims and providing culturally relevant care to the exploited in vulnerable populations.

Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #3 at 1:00pm EST ; Speaker: Sharmayne Brooks


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