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Mission Opportunities for Occupational Therapists

If you’re an occupational therapist and like missions, you may consider medical missions as a career. If so, check out a medical missions organization board.

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Cancer Screening Globally

Which cancer screening programs save lives and which ones actually create harm?

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Top 10 Missionary Schools to Attend

Missionary schools may have their place in God’s plan for you. But make sure you're considering the basics as you decide which direction is best for you.

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Finding Your Best-fit Sending Agency (The top 10 Questions to Ask)

In this session, you'll learn the most important questions to ask when considering a potential mission sending organization. Find your best fit by attending this seminar!

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Treatment of Worms and Other Parasitic Diseases

This session will be a quick review of common treatments for worms, Chagas disease, Human African Trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis which are all parasites more common outside of the United States. However with a recent increase in immigrants they are becoming more common in some parts of the United States. The brief discussion of the treatment of each of these infections will include medicatio...

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Case Studies: Applying Principles of Transformational Development in Community Health Evangelism

Transformational Development (TD) and Community Health Evangelism (CHE) are well-established and broadly used approaches with potential to bring profound and lasting impacts on health and agency within communities and within missions. However, participatory learning trainings and open-ended applications may leave missionaries wondering how TD and CHE can be impactful or implementable in a parti...

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6 Types of Christian Medical Missions - Serve Your Call

The field of Christian medical missions continues to grow. The opportunities for those interested in pursuing Christian medical missions are expanding as well.

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How to Become a Missionary

If you’ve wondered about how to become a missionary, it's a noble and necessary call. More than 7,000 people groups still need to hear the story of Jesus.

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Physical Therapy in Medical Missions

Proper education and practice are key in physical therapy medical missions. Teach local patients what to do, empowering them to carry on after they leave.

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Covid 19 Pandemic and the Human Trafficking Crisis: What Healthcare Providers Need to Know

A medical practitioner panel from the CMDA Commission on Human Trafficking will discuss indicators of human trafficking in adults and children, root causes of exploitation, the effects of the pandemic, and tools healthcare providers can use to identify and treat victims.

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