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Women on Mission

This session focuses on women on mission and will highlight the role of women on mission, the challenges faced and some ways to overcome these challenges. Examples of women on mission in the past as well as present day experiences will be used to bring to life the opportunities and the difficulties as well as the great joys of a woman on mission.

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11 Powerful Missionary Care Packages - Medical Missions

There might be a missionary abroad that you want to inspire as they do God's work. Here's a list of missionary care packages to help you send a gift that matters.

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Working as a Nurse Practitioner Overseas

Nurse practitioners (NPs) have been used in the USA for the last several decades. The increased scope of practice with reimbursement for services has only been since 1997. The rapid expansion of the use of NPs in healthcare and the diversity of opportunities in the USA is a guideline to opportunities for NPs around the world. Exploring and promoting the role of the nurse practitioner in other c...

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Supporting Global Critical Care in Low Middle Income Countries through Medical Education

Medical education has a potentially powerful role in global health. This breakout will explore some ways that medical education can not only support patient care but also resource and research capacity building to better care for critically ill patients in low-middle-income countries.

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Full Time Missionary Jobs - Medical Missions

Ready to take your call to missions and run with it? A full-time missionary job is waiting for you—you just have to decide which is best.

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6 Best Mission Trip Organizations | Serve Your Call

Finding the best mission trip organizations for you isn't as hard as you think. Dive in, pray for guidance, and search the many options that are available.

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Preparing the next generation in Missional Healthcare - The Formational Course in Missional Healthcare - An Indo and Africa initiative and approach

This breakout session is will be a taster of the Formational Course of the Academy of Missional Healthcare and Initiative of COGI and CAPRO. Designed primarily for pre-internship students in healthcare, it is also open to young professionals. This session will provide a taster to the eight-core module mentorship course in Missional Healthcare. The session will also highlight the uniqueness of t...

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6 Best Medical Mission Trips for College Students

No matter what your career goals are, a medical mission trip can change your life. See the 10 best medical mission trips for college students.

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Missionary Salary: How Much Money Do Missionaries Make?

Determining what sort of missionary salary works best for you can seem like a daunting task. And like a lot of things in mission work, it probably won’t be easy.

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The Best Medical Missionary Training Online

Medical missionaries have the privilege of helping individuals address both struggles. That’s why it’s so important for those called to medical missions to find quality training online. 

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