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Our Story in the Story of the World

Our work in missional healthcare isn’t just an add-on, or a platform to do some other work. It’s part of the core story.

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Sustainability: Keeping the Faith When Ministry gets Difficult

People often begin ministry enthusiastically and then get surprised when difficulties arise and they’re unprepared to face them.

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What is the Future of Medical Missions?

What happens when a global pandemic shuts the world down for more than a year, and medical missionaries are left alone on the field?

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Boundaries in Medical Missions - How to Prevent Burnout and Stay Emotionally Healthy Spiritually

When we embrace our God-given limitations and develop God-honoring boundaries, we can serve for full careers – staying healthy and with emotionally healthy families.

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Effective Sending: How to Craft a Career and Lifestyle to Maximize Global Missions from Home

What if I don't end up on the mission field? Or what if unforeseeable circumstances keep me from staying there? Statistically, the vast majority of Christians - even those who go to the field - will spend most of their career in their home country. But this reality does not have to reduce your participation in global missions; it can significantly amplify it instead! Join us to explore how ...

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Point of Care Ultrasound

Diagnostic uncertainty can add significantly to the stresses associated with caring for patients in resource-limited circumstances. With ultrasound technology advancing rapidly, it has become more portable and accessible by many in the field. We will discuss the potential uses of ultrasound in helping identify causes of hypoxemia or shock and discuss the ability to image organ systems that you ...

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Four things you should know about justice in healthcare

Justice in healthcare can take many different forms. Here are four things you should know about justice in healthcare.

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Five questions about being a missionary doctor

Do you have questions about being a missionary doctor. This post answers five of the most common questions about being a missionary doctor.

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Are medical mission trips worth it?

Are medical mission trips worth it? The answer is yes. But, you can find out all of the reasons why it's worth it in this post.

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What I wish everyone knew about international medical relief.

There are some common questions you should know about when it comes to missions. Here's what I wish everyone knew about international medical relief.

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