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When COVID-19 Closes Doors

I have been pondering in my heart this sudden grounding of travel and thus missions. My job is sending out healthcare mission teams around the globe. We have, or should I say had 58 teams going to 25 different countries in the next year. We have now grounded 14 of them with the end of our “no gos” uncertain. On a much smaller scale, I have been here before. I was on a mission to ...

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Christian Hospital Response In The Middle East

“I’m scared, Doc. I don’t want to get this virus.” These were the words of my associate, a wonderful young Muslim woman with young children. Her face was full of anxiety and despair. I whispered a silent prayer as I sought to reassure her and give her hope. I wanted to echo and further explain the message that has been communicated from the leadership of our Christian mi...

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A Pastor’s Encouragement To Healthcare Workers

By Greg Allen Our world has been devasted by disease before…many times. COVID-19 is not the first disease to create great fear for the people on this planet and cause them to become consumed with self-survival. This is a perfect opportunity for the people of GOD to demonstrate the peace and compassion that comes from the privilege of belonging to the One who created this world and the...

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What The World Needs Right Now

When we landed in our target country a few weeks ago, the word “pandemic” still seemed like a remote possibility that elicited varied responses. From calm reassurance to outright mockery that this could ever get that far, everyone had an opinion. What a difference a few weeks make. We set out to Africa as first time long-term, full-time missionaries. During our travel we saw a few m...

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Seeing God In Action Through COVID-19 Eyes

My wife Wannee went to the Philippines on Leap Year Day. Why would she want to go there, especially with coronavirus on the horizon? So that she, an OMF short-term worker coordinator, could see some highlights of integrated (holistic) outreach there in a two-week period. Short-term-worker coordinators there and new friends took her on an amazing journey to see outreach in three parts of the cou...

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Rallying Call Christian Health Care Workers: Perspective And Response For COVID-19

We watched it grow. At first, it was pretty distant unless you live in China, or specifically in Wuhan. It increased in size and its impact travelled before it. Eventually, it was declared a pandemic and its blow thundered across the nations, globally. It’s no longer business as usual all over the world, in every sector, including the church. We are in disaster response status. As Chri...

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A Healthcare Student’s Role During The COVID-19 Pandemic

This week reminds me of the days in the 1980s when I worked in Africa. It was the beginning of the HIV/AIDS crisis. I worked in a rural hospital and school of nursing in a tropical rain forest. I was uninformed about HIV/AIDS. Nursing students continued to care for patients with resistant tuberculosis and ‘wasting syndrome.’ Blood samples were collected and hand-carried in a thermos...

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Always By Prayer

Many of you are sheltered in your homes. Others are cut off from loved ones in distant countries. Plans for travel have changed. Many of you have family and friends who have lost their jobs and income because of COVID-19. The Lord is not unaware of all these realities. At a time like this, it can be tempting to wonder if the Lord is hearing and answering our prayers. We know He does, but ...

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So What Now?

You’ve been dreaming of serving in missions and preparing for it. Now with COVID-19, everything is on hold. Or is it? What seems like harm for our community could also turn out to be for our good. How can we take advantage of this time right now? We’d like to share a few practical things you can be doing now to prepare to launch into missions soon after travel restrictions are lifte...

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A Pharmacist’s Perspective On COVID-19

As one of the nation’s most accessible healthcare professionals – drop by anytime, no appointment necessary – I’m grateful for the individual and collective commitment that pharmacists have in supporting the well-being of our communities during such troubling times. In times of uncertainty, fear, and confusion, it is also encouraging to witness the sincere collaboration ...

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