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Flourishing as medical mission workers begins at home

Being a missionary is not easy. So many head for the field with dreams. Yet a staggering number of medical mission workers end up with their dreams dashed, their plans gone awry.

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Priorities For Healthcare Missions Workers In Resource-Poor Areas In The Midst Of COVID-19

Following are key priorities for healthcare in resource-poor areas, with actionable suggestions that address missional areas of: Growth in Christ Integration of Faith and Practice of Faith Building Teams that Include the Church Development of Local Leaders Preventive Practices: Hygiene/Handwashing In communicating the importance of hygiene—and specifi...

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How Telemedicine Is Impacting The Fight Against COVID-19

In my fifteen years in the telemedicine industry, this is certainly the most unique time I have encountered. By virtue of our client telemedicine consultations, we are quite literally seeing the public deal with the COVID-19 virus both physically and mentally. People are sick and wondering if they have the virus. People are scared and dealing with anxiety. From phone, to video, to online me...

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Therapy Tools for Continued Care During COVID-19

The coronavirus has disrupted all of our lives, but the population this disruption may be impacting the most are children and individuals with special needs. Children with disabilities rely heavily on routine to function successfully throughout their day. For many families, a season of quarantine is being met with extraordinary difficulties in behaviors and meltdowns as they try to understand w...

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COVID-19, Long-Term Missions, And The One Tool That Can’t Be Taken

As COVID-19 spreads throughout the earth, the unknown complexity on society poses new questions about its effect on long-term missions, particularly for those already on the field and those eager to go. Missionaries across the globe find themselves in self-quarantine, wishing they could enjoy the in-person fellowship of local believers or longing to do quarantine with more than their six kid...

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How Do You Handle Fear And News In Light Of A Pandemic?

Depending on which news source and which day, it may appear as if the world is ending. Amidst this crisis (or the next one), how do we respond internally to what is going on around us? What should be our response as those who follow Christ? As a medical professional, you know the facts. And although there is plenty of guidance out there on the handling of this pandemic, one area we wanted...

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Practical Ways To Help Seniors During The Isolation Of COVID-19

It’s easy to feel helpless in the face of COVID-19. It’s the danger of exposure, isolation, social distancing, fear, and uncertainty. It’s easy to hunker down and feel there’s nothing we can do. That would be wrong. At times like this, the church—God’s people—shine brightest. They respond in crisis. The Chinese use two brush strokes to write th...

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The Christian Healthcare Mission And COVID-19

The love and compassion of the Gospel is different from the sounds of fear and anxiety created by the COVID-19 pandemic. The love of Christ can be heard above the sounds of worry and gives hope that transcends our understanding of a worldly view. It can be as simple as a whisper of loving-kindness that drowns out the noise of despair, isolation, and hopelessness. The storm that we are facing...

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Maintaining Good Mental Health Amid The COVID-19 Pandemic

Jesus warned us of what was to come when he said, “In this world you will have trouble” (John 16:33). But he did not stop there. He continued, “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.” Jesus offers peace amidst the storm, peace when COVID-19 moves from an outbreak to an epidemic to a pandemic plaguing almost every continent. In the midst of our ...

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Lament And Hope In Times Of Shifting Foundations

I’ve recently been struck by the thought that all ministry can be summed up with one goal: to bring people to Jesus. During this time of uncertainty, it gives me great peace to know that I don’t need to have all of the answers or even have the capacity to carry another’s anxiety. I just want to keep my eyes fixed on Jesus, encouraging others to have their gaze on Him as well. ...

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