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Christian Thought in Western Science

Over the past few months, we have highlighted a few outstanding sessions, stories, and articles that are featured on We want to do that again this morning, highlighting one of last year's (2018) breakout sessions. But if you went to this year's conference, and you are anxious to listen to a session you missed, don't worry! The sessions from the 2019 conference w...

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Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking within the Health Care Setting

Responding to Victims of Human Trafficking within the Health Care Setting By Jeffrey J. Barrows, DO, MA (Ethics) Imagine you are staffing the urgent care clinic at your hospital when you encounter a 19-year-old foreign national woman brought in by a family member because of a possible fractured arm. Radiologic studies show a spiral fracture of the radius raising the suspicion of abuse as ...

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Resilience and the Missionary

Today we want to highlight a great resource from our annual conference - the audio version of the breakout sessions that are offered each year. These breakout sessions are FREE to members of, and we hope you take advantage of going back and re-listening to your favorite sessions or catching some of the sessions that you missed. The highlighted session for today deals with...

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Refugee Care In the Middle East

While reflecting and reading about the current conflicts in the Middle East I could only think of the sufferings that these refugees were experiencing as they fled their homes. I knew I needed to act.

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Hurricane Dorian Relief Efforts

Samaritan's Purse, a partner, deploys Emergency Field Hospital in response to Hurricane Dorian

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Walking with Those in Need Without Losing Heart

As Christians, we are indisputably called to walk into the dark places of God’s creation and proclaim his glory and his love.  Our hands get dirty, and our hearts get beat up.

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Finding God’s Call for Your Life

What do we mean by a "call?" The answer lies in comparing out ideas of "calling" with the Bible's teaching about how and why God guides his people.

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Poverty: A Marred Identity

Systemic poverty often plagues the places where global health professionals serve. Grappling with this crushing reality can be overwhelming.

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Sharing Stories

Many of us are returning from a variety of summer adventures where we were able to serve another group of people somewhere in the world. Stories become amazing ways for us to share with each other what we’ve learned and what the Lord is teaching us. Stories also allow us to share our personal experiences and to explore the opportunities that are available in the world of medical mission...

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Partnerships - Jamie Saint

OverviewIn the mission field today, there is no shortage of work that needs to be done. Small minded thinking tells us that we are the only ones trying to accomplish a particular mission or that we are the only ones that can do it right. By working together as the body of Christ, we can accomplish more together than we can alone.Educational Objectives- Think of new ways to empower Christ-follow...

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