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Joy and excitement in prayer and support raising!

God is our creator and provider. It is exciting to tell people about what God is doing around the world and how they can be a part of it. Prayer is a huge part of going to work cross culturally. You can raise up a great team to partner with you to pray for you, to pray for the country you are in, also to make a difference for the kingdom so people do not live and die without hearing the gospel....

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Opportunities and Challenges for Medical Volunteers Abroad

Explore the opportunities and challenges for medical volunteers abroad, including preparation for international medical missions and impactful global health work.

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Religion and Healthcare in Global Missions

Explore how religion and healthcare intersect in global missions by integrating faith into medical practice and providing spiritual care alongside patient treatment.

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Finishing your career in full-time missions--opportunities, barriers and solutions

Dramatic change in mid-career may seem too much, but God can and does call certain workers to a new role and prepares their hearts, and their spouses hearts for a new adventure following Him. See how God has prepared the way and worked through career ego, family, professional and personal health and "leaving" issues, as well as personal finances and support -raising and more. 5 hea...

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Dental Mission Trips: Transforming Global Oral Health

Learn how dental mission trips provide essential care in underserved areas, offering volunteer opportunities and improving global oral health.

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Single Minded Singleness: Handling the Challenges & Rewards of Being Unmarried in Ministry

In this seminar we will redefine the labels and terminologies commonly used to describe the singleness or unmarried persons. We will highlight the leading advantages, positive gains, and additional achievements that unmarried people possess and actually enjoy. There are a lot of advantages and freedoms for serving alone in ministry— like uninterrupted focusing on tasks, managing time/sche...

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Improving Healthcare for Underserved Populations in Global Missions

Discover strategies for reaching marginalized communities with healthcare and addressing disparities in global health services for equitable access.

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Fighting the Diseases of Poverty

Poverty and health are closely associated. The nations of poverty host lowest life expectancy, greatest child mortality, and highest preventable deaths. Three interventions are especially effective. First, promotion of broad-based economic development which usually enhances health infrastructure. Second, mitigation of military conflict, which especially afflicts those most vulnerable. Third, de...

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Impact of Women's Health Organizations in Global Missions

Explore how women’s health organizations in global missions empower women, address health needs, and promote maternal and reproductive care.

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Blessed Are Those Who Pull Teeth: Training & Equipping Through Short-Term Dental Missions

The "mPower Approach" trains and equips indigenous believers with basic dental skills to serve their communities and open doors for the gospel. This breakout will review promising practices in creating sustainable, replicable ministry, and examine how dentistry can be used to advance the gospel in difficult-to-reach communities. Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Sess...

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