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Domestic Medical Outreach: Bringing Healthcare to Communities in Need

Discover how domestic medical outreach addresses healthcare disparities in local communities, offering strategies for effective missions at home.

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Substance Use in the Middle East- Pilot Intervention in Opportunistic Settings in Egypt

The Substance Use Disorder (SUD) crisis in the Middle East continues to escalate beyond epidemic proportions invading all society levels. This is while access to prevention, treatment and recovery lags especially for the most vulnerable pockets of society. Social determinants including inherent culture, stigma, unaffordable cost, and limitation of trained addiction specialists and facilities li...

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Marketplace Ministry: Integrating Faith and Work in Healthcare

Learn how to integrate faith and work in healthcare through marketplace ministry, bridging ministry and healthcare professions for a lasting impact.

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Best Practices for Successful Medical Missions

Discover effective strategies, guidelines, and best practices to optimize outcomes in medical missions and ensure impactful healthcare outreach.

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Best Practices for Rehab Professionals serving Short Term in Mission Hospitals

Many mission hospitals have limited or absent rehabilitation services. Rehab professionals traveling to mission hospitals for short-term visits can provide 3 very important services. They can provide direct patient care, provide education, and mentoring where no rehab services are available and can encourage and support the full time missionaries serving there. This presentation will review ...

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Post-Medical Mission: Ensuring Lasting Impact and Continued Care

Learn how to ensure lasting impact and continued care after medical missions through follow-up care, sustaining healthcare initiatives, and evaluating mission outcomes.

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Kingdom Come: Medicine and the Next 100 Years of Global Christianity

Kingdom Come: Medicine and the Next 100 Years of Global Christianity Medical missions is an effective door opener for the Gospel, historically and today. Is it possible for the Gospel to grow at the rate that it grew in the second and third centuries? This talk will focus on the why?...the how?...and the where? Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #3 at 1:00 PM E...

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Developing Medical Leadership in Global Health Missions

Explore the importance of leadership training, empowering leaders, and building strong teams in global health missions to ensure successful medical outreach.

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Innovative Healthcare Solutions for Mission Work

Explore how cutting-edge technology and sustainable healthcare innovations are addressing global health challenges in mission work.

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Hope in God's promises beyond the pain of Grief

Jeremiah 8:18 My grief is beyond healing; my heart is broken Session recorded on Friday, November 10th during Session Block #3 at 1:00 PM EST ; speaker: Tony Weedor Session webpage:

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