Welcome to the MedicalMissions.com Podcast

This is a series of sessions from leading experts in healthcare missions.

Ten things I wish I had known when I became an unlikely missionary doctor, wife and homeschool mama

Are you:
- Interested in mission and wondering what it really means for you and your family, and if you have what it takes?
- Curious to know how one may start and sustain a ministry in resource-limited settings in a foreign country from scratch with no money, no team, and no knowledge about far too many things?
- Looking for practical tools and resources to prepare for mission?

Through the years, God has overwhelmed the Samoutou family with His tremendous grace, provision, and protection. Joyce will be the first to tell you how many humble pies she has eaten and lessons she has learnt along the way - from practicing medicine in a way that her training had not prepared her for, being far away from family and the world she knew, running a charity, leading a team, handling tricky and scary situations, raising a family, and getting over herself. She has also picked up several practical tips and tools along the way that can be helpful to those considering or having already embarked on overseas missions.

In this session, participants will, through the firsthand experience of a missionary-medic- homeschooling parent who co-founded an international ministry:
- Learn what is involved in starting, fundraising, and running an international non-profit medical organization in resource-limited settings, the challenges as well as useful practical suggestions in overcoming them.
- Be encouraged and empowered to embark and thrive on long-term missions as health professionals, spouses, and parents with ageing parents back home.
- Have an opportunity to ask questions that they have always wanted to ask a missionary who is happy to share with humor, candor, and vulnerability.

Session recorded on November 7 2024 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM and November 7 2024 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM 
Session block #1
Speaker name(s): Dr Joyce Samoutou-Wong
Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2024/sessions/ten-things-i-wish-i-had-known-when-i-became-an-unlikely-missionary-doctor-wife-and-homeschool-mama-2

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Emergency Dental Diagnosis and Management for the Non-Dentist

In both domestic and international situations, dental needs often go unmet (for multiple reasons). Untreated dental conditions, if neglected long enough, can turn into dental emergencies. These emergency dental patients are often misdiagnosed and/or go untreated in a medical setting. This lecture will serve to enlighten/empower non-dentists with some basic diagnostic and treatment skills to manage dental emergencies in a non-dental setting.

Session recorded on November 7 2024 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
Session block #1
Speaker name(s): Jonathan Spenn
Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2024/sessions/emergency-dental-diagnosis-and-management-for-the-non-dentist

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Power, Vulnerability, Medics and Mission: How do you fit into God's mission plan?

The practice of medicine is inherently powerful, and our patients are vulnerable to our power. Though power can be abused, the righteous use of power, for the benefit of the vulnerable, is profoundly Christlike. We will explore the lessons of power which help us understand our roles, including the fundamental nature of professionalism and key kingdom strategies of healthcare missions.

Session recorded on November 7 2024 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM and November 7 2024 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Session block #1
Speaker name(s): Jim Ritchie
Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2024/sessions/power-vulnerability-medics-and-mission-how-do-you-fit-into-gods-mission-plan

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Nurses on Mission

Nurses and other healthcare team members must provide evidence-based care for the broken, hurting, suffering, and vulnerable. Believers can do that in a God-honoring, loving, caring, and compassionate way. Nurses can be the hands and feet of Jesus while holistically providing shalom and meeting people's physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychosocial needs amid uncertainty. Learn practical ways to show everyone holistic respect, caring, and compassion.

Session recorded on November 7 2024 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM and November 7 2024 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM
Session block #1
Speaker name(s): Rebecca Meyer
Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2024/sessions/nurses-on-mission

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High-Risk Low-Resource Maternal Care

Surviving motherhood is a genuine concern. Maternal and newborn deaths are the 6th and 7th leading causes of life years lost in the world’s poorest nations. Sepsis, post-partum hemorrhage (PPH), eclampsia-preeclampsia, and failure to progress are the leading causes of maternal morbidity and mortality. Major interventions are to reduce family size and to provide quality obstetric care at delivery, including care for PPH and basic newborn resuscitation.

Session recorded on November 7 2024 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM and November 9 2024 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM
Session block #1
Speaker name(s): Nicholas Comninellis MD, MPH, DIMPH
Session webpage: https://www.medicalmissions.com/events/gmhc-2024/sessions/high-risk-low-resource-maternal-care

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